Saturday, 1 November 2014


You can feed dairy cows once a
day and get high milk yields
With fermented dairy feeds, dairy
farming is stress free as you can
feed the cows once per day, after
milking in the evening; saving on
labor and cost of feeds.
Fermenting ensures highly
digestibility and feed utilization of
80% utilization. Ordinary animal
feeds have utilization of 20% in the
dairy cow’s body producing more
manure instead of the intended
milk. You can ferment maize germ
plus protein supplements such as
soya, sunflower together with
molasses to get fermented dairy
feeds. Make sure you put just
enough water in the mixture to
make it damp but not wet.
Ferment for 3 days in an air tight
container. Once fermented, the
mixture can be fed to dairy animals
for up to 30 days beyond which it
will expire. Keep dairy cows stress
free and be friendly to your
animals for maximization of milk
production. Make sure the housing
is comfortable. You can invest in
cow mattresses to make them
even more comfortable. The price
is 2,600/= each and it is said to
improve milk production in a big
way. Dairy farming is among the
farming enterprises where you can
reap three times a day with good