Sunday, 6 August 2017

challenges confronting rural youth in agribusiness

There are many challenges now confronting rural youth. These are the principal challenges affecting young people going into agriculture:

insufficient access to:

 *1)*knowledge, information and education;
*2)*limited access to land;
*3)*inadequate access to financial services;
*4)*difficulties in accessing green jobs;
*5)*limited access to markets;
6) limited involvement in policy dialogue.
The majority of our population are the young people. With these challenges the future of Africa's food security and economy is doomed.
Everyone is leaving farming because with the above issues its becoming  venture which is not proffitable because markets or market infomation is not available.
With no capital people practice small scale farming without use of  technology and it can never be proffitable.
Those with capital are located in the city and there is no land.
with poor land and land tenure systems as regards to adjudication,fragmentation and adminstration small parcels of land cant be economically viable.
Without techincal skills or information old farming practices are still used thus affecting productivity.
All these makes farms shut down and people move to the cities. if there is no solution and our continent or nations are  agrarian  economies then   its clear that our economy will remain down and food insecurity a major challange.  Many people will die of hunger and poverty
Wake up call to africa.
*1*Sustainable agriculture
*2*Embrace technology
*3*Support the youth and innovation
*4*Involve young people in policy development
*5*Non commercial agri-financial services
*6*Technical information

1 comment:

  1. Ministry of agriculture together with stake holders in agriculture need to redesign their thinking
