Sunday, 12 February 2017

Factors to consider before starting farming.

Sit down and draw a business plan- after you have identified your focus entity. You will also need a farm layout so you know what goes (or will go) where in long and/or short term. This is a good stage also to run a soil testing of your land. It's like going to the bank to obtain your bank statement. If you are going to grow anything, you want to know the soil content. Nutrients and pH. Then you will know what crops the soil will support in its current state OR what you need to add to suit your interested crop. The old fashion way of using cow/chicken manure first is not smart. The county agricultural offices will help you a great deal with immediate and continuous consultations. They may run or help you do the soil testing. Go to them and make friendship with them or consult any private company like lagran or cropnut.

Patient, passion and consistency are virtue well known in farming. You need them. Don't plant or raise livestock just coz someone said that it's profitable. Consider the other factors as well. Consider your own capabilities and go with it.Profits may be illusionary and are subjective.

I hope we are still together. The second consideration are these factors in production: Capital, Land Labour and Entrepreneurship.

Labour and Entrepreneurship: I don't know your  profession so I will be general. Are you going to hire labour or do you have time to do it yourself. This will determine the success of your chosen enterprise. You may have a trustworthy worker who knows more about farming; but you still need to supervise and manage. You could also visit farms practicing the same and lean from them.

Capital: this is not just the cash in the bank or mpesa but also  the farm structures, equipment, tools, materials, to use in your operation as well access to water etc. account for the cost of these before you go any far.

Land: here you have a great advantage since you have 1 acre which you will start with. you could also use the capital to expand the business with time. This one is enough to get you a footing and get establish then expand with time.

Lastly, whatever you do, don't give up. Even with failures ups and down. Just keep going and we are here to give you the moral support you need to succeed.

Shared by nickly kipkorir

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