Friday 2 September 2016


• Before placing the chicks on the farm, the house should be disinfected thoroughly.
• Good quality litter should be spread evenly to depth of 3 – 4 inches (this is to act absorptive media for the droppings and to deter the contact of the cold floor with the chicks.
•  The orientation for the house should East – West direction, with the width facing the East and West respectively as this is where the sun rises and sets.
• The major housing requirements is the stocking density, one broiler bird requires at least 1sq ft.
• The house should have enough space for waterers and feeders placed strategically for easier access by the chicks.
• The height of the feeding and drinking apparatus should be placed at the level of the back of the bird to minimize spillage.
• A brooder should be constructed to ensure constant supply of heat during the first 2 – 3 weeks depending on the prevailing weather conditions. 1st week at 35 'c then reduce by 5 for the next two weeks.
• The brooder area should be set at least 25 birds per sq meter and at most 40 birds per sq.
• The brooding are a should be pre – heated at least  6 – 24 hours prior to chick arrival
• Sources of heat include:
(a    Gas heaters – one gas brooder can brood up to 1000 chicks
(b    Electric heaters – one heater bar can brood up to 200 chicks
(c    Brooding Jiko – One properly designed Jiko can brood up to 500 chicks
The temperature could be judged by the behavior of the young chicks
• If the brooder is too warm the chicks will hurdle a way from the heat source with their wings spread.
• If the brooder is too cold the chicks will hurdle under the heat source in the brooder.
• If there are windy conditions (strong blowing wind from a particular direction) the birds will tend to hurdle at one side of the brooder.
• Make sure that at 14 days of age, the chicks are using the whole floor area at stocking density   11 – 12 birds per sq ft.

• The birds are fed on chick mash with coccidiostat
• On average a chick could have consumed  two kilos of chick mash at the end of the period
• The chick rations should be formulated to supply correct balance, to allow optimal growth and performance in terms of weight gain and egg production.
• The chicks’ diet is gradually changed to growers mash at the 54th day – 56th day.
• Give anti stress to the chicks during the change to minimize stress

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