Thursday 4 August 2016


The demand is high and ever growing. Today stevia is ready to become King in the market of sweetener.
As demand of low carbohydrate sweetener is rising day by day.A good market is being developed for stevia domestically as well as internationally.
This is a ray of hope for the diabetic patient. As it is natural source of sweetener. It is also used for the treatment of obesity and high blood sugar patient. There is not increase in sugar level after consumption of stevia as sweetener as substitute of normal sugar.Stevia, therefor, opens up new avenues for crop diversification and a viable alternative to sugarcane.
There is a potential to use Stevia in soft drinks, confectionery and bakery etc. Instead of sweeteners with known adverse side effects in the long run. Stevia prevents tooth decay with its microbial property .
Majority of the supplementary food products for diabetic patients emphasize on the fibre & protein content the addition of the Stevia leaves, dried or in powder form, in such products would not only aid in increasing the natural sweetness but would also help in rejuvenating the pancreatic gland.


Stevia is presently used in the following items/industries:
1. Dental pastes and chewing gum.
2. The product can be utilized in various industries as natural sweetener such as food and beverage
3. It is utilized in food products e.g. Sauces and pickles, ice creams and iced cakes etc.
4. It is being utilized in certain pharmaceutical formulae due to possessing a non-fermenting property.

Other reasons for which it is being used in pharmacy are:
It does not suffer alterations in acid media, hydrolyzing only in very alkaline media (PH9), whilst thermally remaining very stable.

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