Tuesday 5 July 2016

African smallholder farmers suffer at the hands of brokers,

African  farmers  have decried low prices for their produce blaming middle-men and other brokers for their losses.
According to some of the farmers during the  harvesting season they have had the lowest prices in the market and they fear encountering losses.
because  brokers have taken advantage, literary camping on their farms with bags and lorries, determining the prices and what the farmers should get for their hard earned produce.
“We have suffered great losses because farmers are being controlled by brokers who stand between the farmer and the market. Farmers easily give in to them because they provide easy cash,” they say.
Adding that their main market brokers dictate prices and sometimes they select only the best variety in the farm leaving the rest of the crop to rot in the farms.
farmers said they have no option with the burden of financial strains they accept and suffer losses in silence.
At times they prefer selling their crops before they overstay in the farms to avoid more losses.

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