Sunday 26 June 2016

Why do farmers fail in chicken farming?

Why do farmers fail in chicken farming?
-Insufficient knowledge(lack of know-how)
-Lack of persistence
-High cost of feeds and poultry equipment
-Lack of market for their goods
-Lack of professionals
-Disease outbreaks
-Middle-men and brokers
-Being misled by other farmers
There are a myriad of reasons which I can't fully exhaust.Farmers need to take farming as a profession and quit hoping from one project to another.In order to be uccessful as a farmer you need to:
1.)Seek advise from professionals.Experience farmers can be of help but a professional will help you be successful.The facebook platform has really helped farmers market their goods and share ideas and challenges but it should be noted that being an experienced farmer doesn't warrant you to diagnose diseases online.A vet professional should visit your farm.
2.)Always source for a market before your products are ready e.g meat and eggs.Middle-men will only harvest where they never sowed.
3.)Lower the cost of production as often as possible by looking for cheaper but quality products.
4.)Always go for seminars and trainings whenever you get opportunity.This keeps you abreast with technology and newer ways of farming.Knowledge never expires.A lot of farmers are usually misled by fellow farmers and quacks.If possible read widely on poultry matters but don't substitute the knowledge gotten from internet to that of a professional.Something you read from the internet can sometimes mislead you.Always verify from professionals.
5.)Source your chicks from credible sources.For improved kienyeji ensure they are of F1 generation(first filial generation).Breeding them upto 3rd generation lowers the quality by resulting to deformities,late maturity and lowered production.
After all is said and done the farmer is there to make money and the cost of production should be lower inorder to maximise profits.

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