Wednesday 8 June 2016


a. Temperature
• Performs best in cool conditions 16 degrees Celsius to 20 degrees Celsius
• Head formation reduced at temperatures higher than 25 degrees Celsius
b. Rainfall
• High water requirement throughout growth period
• Optimal rainfall 1,500mm per year
• Irrigation required in dry areas
c. Altitude
• Can grow at elevations as low as 800 meters above sea level to elevations 2,200 meters above sea level
Some commercial varieties
a. Soil type and analysis
• Rich in organic matter
• Well drained
• pH levels between 6.0-6.5
• Soils rich in organic matter and well drained
• Soil analysis recommended for accurate fertilization
• Select field not previously used for cabbage,
b. Water proximity
• Site should be close to source of water where irrigation is needed
c. Topography
• Level ground is ideal but sloped land is sufficient as long as the contour rule is followed
a. Farm layout
• Important in order to plan rotation, installation of infrastructure and accessibility
b. Crop rotation
• Improves soil fertility and controls soil-borne disease
• Do not rotate cabbages with vegetables in the same family as sukumawiki, broccoli and cauliflower
• Rotate with potatoes, onions, maize, carrots and spinach
c. Record keeping
• It is important to keep records for analysis of crop profitability
• System should be designed early to ensure accurate and timely collection of relevant information
d. Marketing
• It is very important to keep in mind where the crop is likely to be sold, possible prices and quantities
a. Area selection
• Establish nursery in area free of soil-borne disease
• Near water source
• Protected from livestock and birds
b. Preparation
• Raised beds 1 meter wide with convenient lengths are recommended for wet areas with heavy soils
• Sunken beds are ideal for dry areas or during dry season
• Prepare the soil to a fine tilth, breaking all clods and removing stones and brush
• Incorporate well rotten farmyard manure and DAP or TSP fertilizer depending on soil type
c. Sowing
• Before sowing, the media should be thoroughly watered
• Sow seeds thinly in drills spaced 15 centimeters apart or in seed trays
• Cover lightly with soil and apply mulch, or cover with Hessian cloth and use shade net
d. Nursery Management
• Shading: use shade nets, dry grass or leaves
• Check nursery twice a day for moisture levels and apply water as is needed with a watering rose sieve
• Remove mulch or Hessian cloth immediately after germination
• Maintain shade until last week of crop, or depending on the crop response, you can decide to remove the shade completely
• Scout for pests and disease and control with appropriate pesticides ― read labels carefully
• Common nursery problems include cutworms ― cut seedlings at base-control with malathion
• Aphids: attack growing tips and cause stunting-spray karate, fastac, pirimor.
• Damping off disease thrives in poorly watered seed beds that remain wet during the night. Drench soils with fungicides such as ridomil or benovap and apply water in early afternoon
• As seedlings get ready for planting, reduce amount of water to once in the last week before transplanting
a. Ploughing
• The field should be ploughed 2-3 weeks in advance at least 8 inches deeper
b. Harrowing
• Harrow the field 2-3 weeks later after ploughing
• Prepare soil to a fine tilth
c. Bed making
• Raised beds recommended for root development and proper drainage
• Bed width of 1 meter and a convenient length not exceeding 100 meters and a height of 15 centimeters
• Incorporate well rotten farm yard manure.
a. Timing
• Seedlings ready for transplanting after 4-6 weeks in the nursery, depending on temperatures
• Best time for planting is late in the evening when sun is cool or on a cloudy day
• Wet the seedlings an hour before transplanting.
b. Depth
• Plant to the same depth as in the nursery
c. Spacing
• Varies with varieties: 60cm x 60cm for large-headed varieties, 60cm x 45cm for medium sized and 30cm x 30cm for small heads
a. Feeding/Fertilization.
• Apply DAP or TSP fertilizer during transplanting (1 teaspoonful/hole)
• Top dress crop two weeks after transplanting with 1 teaspoonful of CAN per plant
• Apply a second topdressing at same rate when leaves begin to fold
• Too much CAN results in loose heads or no head formation
NB: Soil analysis recommended
b. Manuring
• Necessary to improve soil structure and to slowly provide extra nutrients
• Done at planting
• Use 10 to 30 tonnes per hectare
c. Weeding
• Keep fields free of weeds to reduce competition for nutrients, light and space
• Also to reduce pests and disease infestation
d. Mulching
• Increases organic matter in the soil
• Conserves soil moisture
• Prevents soil erosion
• Suppresses splashing of rain or irrigation water and spread of diseases
• Good during dry periods
a. Stage
• Harvest when heads are firm and fully formed, preferably when prices are good
• Maturity period ranges form 2 to 4 months depending on variety and location
• Harvest with four wrapper leaves to protect the head and to keep cabbage fresh
b. Specifications
• This will be guided by the type of market and thus will range from small to large cabbage heads
c. Post harvest handling
• Handle the heads carefully to avoid bruises
• Keep produce under shade
a. Capital costs
• Note all the capital expenses incurred
b. Yield
• Record all yield data
c. Cost of production
• Record all the direct costs incurred
d. Profits and losses
• Profit/loss = income (yield x sale price) – expenses (production costs)


  1. This is really helpful.....I have been wanting to start farming sukuma wiki but didn't know where or how to start

  2. Which is the best sukuma wiki variety to grow commercially.

  3. Quite interesting guideline in deed.
