Tuesday 21 June 2016

Climate change adaptation in food security and natural resource management

Every year it becomes clearer that climate change is happening at a rapid pace and that it will have a profound impact on agriculture and management of natural resources. Without appropriate responses, climate change is likely to constrain economic development and poverty reduction efforts.

Become involved with climate-smart strategies

Climate change is again ‘hot’ in public and political debate. Waves of attention seem to have relation with what is happening in international climate negotiations. The upcoming Paris UNFCCC Conference of Parties triggers much reaction from policymakers, NGOs and the private sector. But was have these negotiations to do with local problems and initiatives for climate change adaptation? The focus of this  is the translation of policy documents and research into climate-smart adaptation strategies. And about what you and your organisation can undertake yourself for adaptation to climate change. 

What themes should you consider as an agent for good progress
  • understanding climate change (concepts such as adaptation and mitigation, causes and risks) and implications for food security, agriculture and natural resource management;
  • concepts and assessment of vulnerability, resilience, coping strategies and sustainable development processes;
  • climate smart agriculture and natural resource management;
  • examples of adaptation strategies to climate change;
  • policy making processes, advocacy and integrating climate change issues into existing policy processes and rural development strategies.

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