Tuesday 15 April 2014

Kenya: Avocado export

Kenya: Avocado export "well managed and co-ordinated"

Many Kenyan avocado growers have only a few trees and deliver their produce to one of the few central pack houses in Nairobi. They produce a product very close to being classified as organic, but they do not have the knowledge to achieve this. Many are Global Gap certified and they keep thorough records of product spray programmes. The avocados grow in the most ideal conditions in the world, right on the equator and some high up in the mountains, so very little is required for crop protection, making it almost organically produced. Fuerte,reed and hass varieties for export


The Hass variety has become the year-round avocado available in stores.  It is distinctive for its skin that turns from green to purplish-black when ripe, the Hass is now the leading variety of California Avocado and has an excellent shelf life.  The Hass has been highly marketed and is grown throughout the globe.  It is very popular for it's nutty flavor and good handling characteristics.  Shop today for the avocado variety you are looking for.   


"Photo Courtesy nickly kipkorir"


  • Oval-shaped fruit
  • Small to medium seed
  • Easy peeling
  • Great taste


  • Full range from average to large, 5 to 12 ounces


  • Pebbly, thick but pliable skin
  • Pale green flesh with creamy texture

Ripe Characteristics:

  • Skin darkens as it ripens
  • Fruit yields to gentle pressure when ripe


The Fuerte variety is an established avocado favorite.  It is a California winter variety that has an excellent flavor.  The name Fuerte, which means strong in spanish, was given after this variety was one of the sole varieties to survive freezing temperatures.  Harvested late fall through spring, the Fuerte is the original high quality California Avocado.  The Fuerte is a smooth skin variety and is on the verge of being classified in  the "avocado other" category.  There is no so few trees planted that it is no longer marketed to the consumer via retail stores.  As a grower, this is one of my favorite avocados to eat and grow.  Shop today for the avocado variety you are looking for.   
"Photo Courtesy nickly kipkorir "


  • Pear-shaped
  • Medium seed
  • Peels easily
  • Great taste


  • Medium to large fruit, ranging from 5 to 14 ounces


  • Smooth thin green skin
  • Creamy, pale green flesh

Ripe Characteristics:

  • Skin remains green
  • Fruit yields to gentle pressure when ripe


The Reed avocado is a summertime variety that extends into late fall.  It is a large, round fruit that is known for it's softball shape.  During their prime, this variety tastes excellent.  It is rarely available and only found in some Southern California retail stores.  The Reed is excellent for slicing and eating.  One of the more favorite uses are as a complete meal substitute.  The size of this fruit and the round shape make it conducive for a make shift bowl.  Remove the pit and fill the center with your favorite ingredients and enjoy.   Shop today for the avocado variety you are looking for.   


"Photo Courtesy nickly kipkorir"


  • Round fruit
  • Medium seed
  • Easy peeling
  • Good taste


  • Medium to large, ranging from 8 to 18 ounces


  • Thick green skin with slight pebbling
  • Creamy flesh

Ripe Characteristics:

  • Skin remains green
  • Fruit yields to gentle pressure when ripe

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