Tomato is one of the most highly consumed vegetable in Kenya.
It is grown for fresh market, processing and export market.
The information covered here includes:
- Ecological Requirements
- Tomato Varieties
- Husbandry practices
- Pests and nutrients disorders
- Diseases
- Harvesting and Post Harvest Handling
- Marketing, Gross margin and Value addition
Ecological Requirements
- Tomato is fairly adaptable and grows well in warm conditions. It requires optimum temperatures of 20 -25 degrees C during the day and 15 -17 degrees C at night.
- Requires moisture of about 600mm well distributed throughout the growing season.
- Requires well drained soils, light loam with high organic matter content and pH of 5 -7.5.
Principles of Green House Technology:
A greenhouse is a structure with different types of covering materials, such as a glass or plastic roof and frequently glass or plastic walls; it heats up because incoming visible solar radiation (for which the glass is transparent) from the sun is absorbed by plants, soil, and other things inside the building. Air warmed by the heat from hot interior surfaces is retained in the building by the roof and wall.
Purpose of the Green House
a) To promote tomato growing in the cooler areasb) To promote the growing of tomatoes throughout the year in both cool and warm areas
Justification of the Green House Tomato Growing
a) Growing tomatoes in a green house reduces disease infection and also raises the temperature. Tomatoes require an optimum temperature range of 20-25 0C during the day and 15-17 0C at night.b) In the green house, tomatoes may be fed with carbon dioxide easily. This increases yield and enhances quality.
c) Currently, most farmers grow tomatoes during the dry seasons, under irrigation.
In the green houses tomatoes can be grown all the year round
Advantages of a Green House
a) Higher yields can be realized/intensive production per unit areab) High quality produce
c) Minimized cases of diseases
d) Market timing for optimum profit
e) Production levels may be maintained all the year round
f) Other warm season crops may be grown throughout the year
Other Crops Recommended in the Green House
a) Coloured Capsicum varieties e.g. red, yellow etc.b) Cucumbit family e.g. Cucumbers, courgettes
c) Onions e.g. bulb onions,
d) Garlics
e) Herbs and Spices e.g coriander, parsley, celery
f) Brinjals (egg plants)
Green House Methodology:
Types of Green Houses
Classification According to Size
a) Cold frame (miniature) green house for subsistence (less than 15×7 m)
b) Economic unit - 15mx7m
c) Commercia l- more than 15×7m
Classification according to lifespan and materials used
Frames can be covered with glass, rigid fiberglass, rigid double-wall plastics, or plastic filma) Permanent green houses
Metal frame-work and covered with glass with automated cooling/heating systems e.g. in research stations
b) Semi permanent green houses
Metal frame-work but covered with plastic film/paper
Recommended for established farmers
c) Temporary green houses
Wooden frame-work covered with plastic film /paper.
This is recommended for small scale farmers.
Classification according to structural shape of frame
A greenhouse can be attached to a house or garage; it can be a freestanding structure or gutter connecteda) Attached Greenhouses
i) Lean-to. A lean-to greenhouse is a half greenhouse, split along the peak of the roof, or ridge line (Figure 2A), Lean-tos are useful where space is limited to a width of approximately seven to twelve feet, and they are the least expensive structures.The disadvantages include some limitations on space, sunlight, ventilation, and temperature control. The height of the supporting wall limits the potential size of the lean-to. The wider the lean-to, the higher the supporting wall must be. Temperature control is more difficult because the wall that the greenhouse is built on may collect the sun’s heat while the translucent cover of the greenhouse may lose heat rapidly. The lean-to should face the best direction for adequate sun exposure.
Finally, consider the location of windows and doors on the supporting structure and remember that heavy rain might slide off the roof of the house onto the structure.

ii) Even-span. An even-span is a full-size structure that has one gable end attached to another building (Figure 2B). It is usually the largest and most costly option, but it provides more usable space and can be lengthened. The even-span has a better shape than a lean-to for air circulation to maintain uniform temperatures. An even-span can accommodate two to three benches for growing crops.

b) Freestanding (detached) Structures:
Freestanding greenhouses are separate structures; they can be set apart from other buildings to get more sun and can be made as large or small as desired (Figure 2C).
Shapes of Frames:

Quonset- sidewall height is low, which restricts storage space and headroom.
Gothic: The gothic frame construction is similar to that of the Quonset but it has a gothic shape (Figure 3). Wooden arches may be used and joined at the ridge. The gothic shape allows more headroom at the sidewall than does the Quonset.
Rigid-frame: The rigid-frame structure has vertical sidewalls and rafters for a clear-span construction. There are no columns or trusses to support the roof. Glued or nailed plywood gussets connect the sidewall supports to the rafters to make one rigid frame. The conventional gable roof and sidewalls allow maximum interior space and air circulation. A good foundation is required to support the lateral load on the sidewalls.
Post and rafter and A-frame: The post and rafter is a simple construction of an embedded post and rafters, but it requires more wood or metal than some other designs. Strong sidewall posts and deep post embedment are required to withstand outward rafter forces and wind pressures. Like the rigid frame, the post and rafter design allows more space along the sidewalls and efficient air circulation. The A-frame is similar to the post and rafter construction except that a collar beam ties the upper parts of the rafters together.
Ridge and furrow (gutter connected) green houses:

A green house with more than three bays (multi gutter connected) is called a ‘range’

The lowest cost per square foot of growing space is generally available in a freestanding or even-span greenhouse that is 17 to 18 feet wide. It can house a central bench, two side benches, and two walkways. The ratio of cost to the usable growing space is good.
When deciding on the type of structure, be sure to plan for adequate bench space, storage space, and room for future expansion. Large greenhouses are easier to manage because temperatures in small greenhouses fluctuate more rapidly. Small greenhouses have a large exposed area through which heat is lost or gained, and the air volume inside is relatively small; therefore, the air temperature changes quickly in a small greenhouse.
Growing Media
- Sawdust/Sand/Manure at the ratio of 3:1:1 Or
- topsoil/sawdust/manure/sand/charcoal dust at the ratio of 10:10:6:5:3 Or
- top soil/sand/manure at ratio of 3:1:1
- Note: A lorry of each (7 tons) is required
- Other materials used as growing media are: Peat, perlite,bark,vermiculite
Sterilization of Growing Media:
Water the media in the beds thoroughly and then cover with black polythene paper for three-four weeks to eliminate weed seed, disease pathogens and insect pests in the growing media. The media also becomes cured and compacted ready for planting.
Location of a Green House:
Factors to consider while locating green house;
a) Sunlight direction: The greenhouse should be located where it gets maximum sunlight. The first choice of location is the south or southeast side of a building or shade trees. Sunlight all day is best, but morning sunlight on the east side is sufficient for plants. Morning sunlight is most desirable because it allows the plant’s food production process to begin early; thus growth is maximized. The next best sites are southwest and west of major structures, where plants receive sunlight later in the day. North of major structures is the least desirable location and is good only for plants that require little light.b) Light requirements of the plants to be grown;
c) Shade: Evergreen trees that have foliage year round should not be located where they will shade the greenhouse because they will block the less intense sun.
d) Drainage: Good drainage is another requirement for the site. When necessary, build the greenhouse above the surrounding ground so rainwater and irrigation water will drain away. Access to the greenhouse should be convenient for both people and utilities.
e) A workplace for potting plants and a storage area for supplies should be nearby.
f) Prevailing wind
g) Topography of the area
Basic Structural component of a green house:

Framing materials:
Greenhouses may be constructed from several different materials. Among the most popular are aluminum, steel and wood. Of these three, aluminum is by far the most economical and longest lasting.Covering materials:
Greenhouse coverings include long-life glass, fiberglass, rigid double-wall plastics, and film plastics with 1- to 3-year lifespan. The type of frame and cover must be matched correctly.Size
(1 Bank/Bay/Unit Dimensions:- ( 15 m x 7 m (or 50 ft x 23 ft) = 105 m2 or 1150 ft2 ( minimum economic unit)No. of Plants: -400-600 plants, depending on spacing.
(i) Polythene (Gauge 1000 Ultra Violet (U.V) treated).- Walls (sides) - 4m x 48m
- Wider roof - 6m x 16m
- Narrow roof - 5 m. x 16m.
- gables - 6 m x 9m
- Door shade - 4m X7m
- Side posts - 12 posts of 4m long
- Mid posts - 6 posts of 5.5m
- Trusses - 22 poles of 6m
- Purlines - 9m x 6m
- Wall plate - 30 x 6m
- Wire supporters 6 x 6m
- Side supporters 14 x 6m
- Door shade posts 5 x 2.8m
- Polythene fasteners 60 x 3m
- Nails 30kgs
- Smooth/barbed Wire- 1 roll
- Hoop iron-10 kgs
- black polythene sheet -65mx2m wide
- Net 75 m x1m wide
- Drip irrigation kit -1 drum kit
- Crates-2
- Nursery boxes/trays - (90×45x10) -2

(i) Labour - for construction, digging trenches, mixing planting medium, leveling and crop management(ii) Seeds - 5gms (1000 seeds)
(iii) Fertilizers - 10kgs DAP, 10kgs CAN and 10kgs CN for top dressing. Foliar feed - 2 litres or 2kgs
(iv) Insecticides and fungicides
- Insecticides - systemic (1 litre) and
- Contact (1 litre) at harvesting
Fungicides - Preventive (1kg) and
- Curative (1kg).
- Alternate preventive fungicides with curative fungicides for effective disease control and to avoid disease resistance.
Crop Management in the Greenhouse:
Nursery Establishment
a) Green house varieties:-Anna, Arleta, Nemoneta, Monset, Monyala, Ken Tom etc
b) Construction of germination boxes
- Measure boxes of 100cm (length) x 45cm (width) x 10cm (depth)
- Fill the first 5cm of the box with small stones (2 inches) followed by 2cm of sand and then 2cm of forest soil mixed with well rotten manure or use the already mixed growing medium
- Mix the forest soil/growing medium with a handful of DAP fertilizer and Nematicide to control nematodes.
- Make drills of 8cm apart, leaving 5cm from both edges of the box. This gives 10 lines/box
- Plant 50 seeds per line (to give 500 seeds/box). 2 boxes are required per green house unit.
- After sowing, cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil or sisal bag and water immediately
- Transplanted at 3 weeks.
- Water the beds. Transplant late in the evening or early in the morning on a cloudy day
- Dig holes at 50cm x 30cm in zigzag or alternate (in tandem)=400 plants or 33cm x 30cm= 600 plants per green house
- Apply 20gms per hole (1 tablespoonful) of DAP/TSP/DSP and mix thoroughly with the planting medium to avoid direct contact with the seedlings. The fertilizer may be applied three days after transplanting. Water thoroughly after fertilizer application.
After transplanting, initial watering should be mixed with a curative fungicide to eradicate any fungal manifestation e.g. Ridomil, Equation Pro, Galben, Milraz, Acrobat etc.
- A strong wire 10-14 gauge is placed parallel to the row of plants from one end of the house to the other at the height of the posts (3 m) from the ground.
- Sisal twine is tied around the stem base of the plant, which is then trained to achieve 8 - 12 trusses of tomatoes.

Done early to remove side suckers or branches to leave one stem only per plant.Bud Nipping:-
To get healthy and uniform fruits remove apex or growing bud when plant achieves 8-12 trusses (to remove apical dominance)Leaf Trimming and Defoliation
This is cutting of leaves and removal of excess leaves in order to avoid bushy plants, which reduce fruit growth.Top Dressing:
Apply 20g of CAN per plant, 2 weeks after transplanting and 20g CN (Calcium Nitrate) 2 weeks later to encourage vigorous growth.Thereafter apply foliar feed at 2 weeks interval to provide micronutrients.
Crop Management in the Greenhouse:
Nursery Establishment
a) Green house varieties:-Anna, Arleta, Nemoneta, Monset, Monyala, Ken Tom etc
b) Construction of germination boxes
- Measure boxes of 100cm (length) x 45cm (width) x 10cm (depth)
- Fill the first 5cm of the box with small stones (2 inches) followed by 2cm of sand and then 2cm of forest soil mixed with well rotten manure or use the already mixed growing medium
- Mix the forest soil/growing medium with a handful of DAP fertilizer and Nematicide to control nematodes.
- Make drills of 8cm apart, leaving 5cm from both edges of the box. This gives 10 lines/box
- Plant 50 seeds per line (to give 500 seeds/box). 2 boxes are required per green house unit.
- After sowing, cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil or sisal bag and water immediately
- Transplanted at 3 weeks.
- Water the beds. Transplant late in the evening or early in the morning on a cloudy day
- Dig holes at 50cm x 30cm in zigzag or alternate (in tandem)=400 plants or 33cm x 30cm= 600 plants per green house
- Apply 20gms per hole (1 tablespoonful) of DAP/TSP/DSP and mix thoroughly with the planting medium to avoid direct contact with the seedlings. The fertilizer may be applied three days after transplanting. Water thoroughly after fertilizer application.
After transplanting, initial watering should be mixed with a curative fungicide to eradicate any fungal manifestation e.g. Ridomil, Equation Pro, Galben, Milraz, Acrobat etc.
- A strong wire 10-14 gauge is placed parallel to the row of plants from one end of the house to the other at the height of the posts (3 m) from the ground.
- Sisal twine is tied around the stem base of the plant, which is then trained to achieve 8 - 12 trusses of tomatoes.

Done early to remove side suckers or branches to leave one stem only per plant.Bud Nipping:-
To get healthy and uniform fruits remove apex or growing bud when plant achieves 8-12 trusses (to remove apical dominance)Leaf Trimming and Defoliation
This is cutting of leaves and removal of excess leaves in order to avoid bushy plants, which reduce fruit growth.Top Dressing:
Apply 20g of CAN per plant, 2 weeks after transplanting and 20g CN (Calcium Nitrate) 2 weeks later to encourage vigorous growth.Thereafter apply foliar feed at 2 weeks interval to provide micronutrients.
Economic Analysis:
Gross Margin Analysis for Greenhouse Tomatoes:
Size - 15M X 7M, Period - 1 seasona). Green House Construction Cost (Temporary Structure)
A | Framework Construction materials | |||||
Side Posts | 12 | 4m | 250 | 3,000 | ||
2. | Midpost | 6 | 5.5m | 350 | 2,100 | |
3. | Trusses | 22 | 6m | 150 | 3,300 | |
4. | Purlines | 9 | 6m | 150 | 1,350 | |
5. | Wallplate | 30 | 6m | 150 | 4,500 | |
6. | Wire supporters | 6 | 6m | 150 | 9,000 | |
7. | Side supporters | 14 | 6m | 150 | 2,100 | |
8. | Doorshade posts | 5 | 2.8 | 150 | 750 | |
9. | Polythene fasteners | 60 | 3m | 30 | 1,800 | |
10. | Nails | 30 | Kgs | 150 | 4,500 | |
11. | Wire smooth/barbed g 12-14 | 1 | roll | 5,000 | 5,000 | |
12. | Hoop iron | 10 | Kgs | 120 | 1,200 | |
Sub total | 38,600 | |||||
B | Polythene papers g 1000 uv treated | |||||
a. | Wider roof | 16×6 m | 96m2 | 100 | 9,600 | |
2. | Narrower roof | 16×5M | 80m2 | 100 | 8,000 | |
3. | Gables | 9×6m | 54m2 | 100 | 5,400 | |
4. | Sides | 48×4 m | 192m2 | 100 | 19,200 | |
a. | Door shade | 4×7m | 28m2 | 100 | 2,800 | |
5. | Sub total | 450m2 | 45,000 | |||
6. | Planting media | |||||
7. | Manure | 1×7 tons | lorry | 1,000 | 7,000 | |
a. | Sand | 1×7 tons | lorry | 10,000 | 10,000 | |
b. | Charcoal dust | 1×7 tons | lorry | 3,000 | 3,000 | |
c. | Saw dust | 1×7 tons | lorry | 3,000 | 3,000 | |
8. | Sub total | 23,000 | ||||
a. | Black polythene sheet | 65m | 2m | 100 | 6,500 | |
b. | Net | 75m | 1m | 150 | 11,250 | |
c. | Drip irrigation kit | 20,000 | ||||
d. | Nursery boxes/trays (100×45x10) | 2 | 1 | 500 | 1,000 | |
e. | Crates | 2 | 600 | 1,200 | ||
9. | Sub total | 39,950 | ||||
a. | Construction and excavation | 10,000 | ||||
b. | Mixing growing media | 15 md | md | 200 | 3,000 | |
10. | Sub total | 13,000 | ||||
a. | Total construction cost | 159550 | 159550 | 159,550 | ||
b. | Annual cost = Ksh159,550/5years ( i.e total construction cost per year/season) | 31,910 | 31,910 |
b). Gross Margin Analysis:
1. | SEASON | 1ST Season | ||
Item sold | Ksh | |||
3. | Tomatoes | 6,000 | 30 | 180,000 |
4. | Total output | 180,000 | ||
6. | Items procured | Inputs units | Price Ksh/Unit | Expenditure KsH. |
7. | DAP | 10 Kgs | 90 | 900 |
8. | CA N | 10 Kgs | 70 | 700 |
9. | CN | 10 Kgs | 90 | 900 |
10. | Foliar feed | 2 lts | 450 | 900 |
11. | Seed | 5 gms(1000 seed) | 600 | 3,000 |
12. | Synthetic string | 4 Kgs | 500 | 2,000 |
13. | Curative Fungicide | 1Kg | 1,800 | 1,800 |
14. | Preventive Fungicide | 1Kg | 1,200 | 1,200 |
15. | Systemic | 1Kg | 1,800 | 1,800 |
16. | Contact | 1Kg | 1,200 | 1,200 |
17. | Management labour | 90 Mds | 200 | 18,000 |
18. | TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS | 32,400 | ||
19. | GROSS MARGING = TOTAL OUTPUT - VARIABLE COSTS=120,000-34,000 | 147,600 | ||
20. | NET PROFIT = G M - ANNUAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS = 147,600- 31,910 | 115,690 | ||
21. | Net profit /m2 Ksh 115,690/105m2 =1,102 | 1,102 | ||
22. | Net profit /acre = 4,047m2 x ksh. 1102/ m2 | 4,459,794 |
Economic Analysis:
Gross Margin Analysis for Greenhouse Tomatoes:
Size - 15M X 7M, Period - 1 seasona). Green House Construction Cost (Temporary Structure)
A | Framework Construction materials | |||||
Side Posts | 12 | 4m | 250 | 3,000 | ||
2. | Midpost | 6 | 5.5m | 350 | 2,100 | |
3. | Trusses | 22 | 6m | 150 | 3,300 | |
4. | Purlines | 9 | 6m | 150 | 1,350 | |
5. | Wallplate | 30 | 6m | 150 | 4,500 | |
6. | Wire supporters | 6 | 6m | 150 | 9,000 | |
7. | Side supporters | 14 | 6m | 150 | 2,100 | |
8. | Doorshade posts | 5 | 2.8 | 150 | 750 | |
9. | Polythene fasteners | 60 | 3m | 30 | 1,800 | |
10. | Nails | 30 | Kgs | 150 | 4,500 | |
11. | Wire smooth/barbed g 12-14 | 1 | roll | 5,000 | 5,000 | |
12. | Hoop iron | 10 | Kgs | 120 | 1,200 | |
Sub total | 38,600 | |||||
B | Polythene papers g 1000 uv treated | |||||
a. | Wider roof | 16×6 m | 96m2 | 100 | 9,600 | |
2. | Narrower roof | 16×5M | 80m2 | 100 | 8,000 | |
3. | Gables | 9×6m | 54m2 | 100 | 5,400 | |
4. | Sides | 48×4 m | 192m2 | 100 | 19,200 | |
a. | Door shade | 4×7m | 28m2 | 100 | 2,800 | |
5. | Sub total | 450m2 | 45,000 | |||
6. | Planting media | |||||
7. | Manure | 1×7 tons | lorry | 1,000 | 7,000 | |
a. | Sand | 1×7 tons | lorry | 10,000 | 10,000 | |
b. | Charcoal dust | 1×7 tons | lorry | 3,000 | 3,000 | |
c. | Saw dust | 1×7 tons | lorry | 3,000 | 3,000 | |
8. | Sub total | 23,000 | ||||
a. | Black polythene sheet | 65m | 2m | 100 | 6,500 | |
b. | Net | 75m | 1m | 150 | 11,250 | |
c. | Drip irrigation kit | 20,000 | ||||
d. | Nursery boxes/trays (100×45x10) | 2 | 1 | 500 | 1,000 | |
e. | Crates | 2 | 600 | 1,200 | ||
9. | Sub total | 39,950 | ||||
a. | Construction and excavation | 10,000 | ||||
b. | Mixing growing media | 15 md | md | 200 | 3,000 | |
10. | Sub total | 13,000 | ||||
a. | Total construction cost | 159550 | 159550 | 159,550 | ||
b. | Annual cost = Ksh159,550/5years ( i.e total construction cost per year/season) | 31,910 | 31,910 |
b). Gross Margin Analysis:
1. | SEASON | 1ST Season | ||
Item sold | Ksh | |||
3. | Tomatoes | 6,000 | 30 | 180,000 |
4. | Total output | 180,000 | ||
6. | Items procured | Inputs units | Price Ksh/Unit | Expenditure KsH. |
7. | DAP | 10 Kgs | 90 | 900 |
8. | CA N | 10 Kgs | 70 | 700 |
9. | CN | 10 Kgs | 90 | 900 |
10. | Foliar feed | 2 lts | 450 | 900 |
11. | Seed | 5 gms(1000 seed) | 600 | 3,000 |
12. | Synthetic string | 4 Kgs | 500 | 2,000 |
13. | Curative Fungicide | 1Kg | 1,800 | 1,800 |
14. | Preventive Fungicide | 1Kg | 1,200 | 1,200 |
15. | Systemic | 1Kg | 1,800 | 1,800 |
16. | Contact | 1Kg | 1,200 | 1,200 |
17. | Management labour | 90 Mds | 200 | 18,000 |
18. | TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS | 32,400 | ||
19. | GROSS MARGING = TOTAL OUTPUT - VARIABLE COSTS=120,000-34,000 | 147,600 | ||
20. | NET PROFIT = G M - ANNUAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS = 147,600- 31,910 | 115,690 | ||
21. | Net profit /m2 Ksh 115,690/105m2 =1,102 | 1,102 | ||
22. | Net profit /acre = 4,047m2 x ksh. 1102/ m2 | 4,459,794 |
Tomato Varieties
Fresh market
- Money Maker
- Marglobe
- Beauty
- Kentom 1
- Kentom 2
- Capitan
- Tropic
- Cal J
- Roma VF
- M – 82
- Riogrande
- Rubino
- Parmamech
- Parma VF
- Nema 1401
- Picardor
- Spectrum
- Nema 1400
Husbandry practices
Planting in a nursery
- Make fine tilth seedbed
- Drill seeds in rows 15 - 20cm apart, 7cm between seeds and 1 cm deep.
- Keep soil moist but not water logged.
- After germination thin to 7cm apart in a row to ensure strong seedlings.
- Note that the seed rate in a nursery is 150 to 200 gm/ha.
- Space holes1m by 0.5 m to get a population of 20,000 plants per Ha.
- Apply manure at a rate of 2 handfuls per hole and mix thoroughly.
- Apply 1 tea spoon per hole of DSP or DAP (this is equivalent to 200kg /Ha).
- Transplant about 1 month after germination when the seedling has 4 – 6 true leaves
Direct sowing
- Space holes 0.75-1m between rows and 0.5m between plants.
- Apply manure at the rate of 2 handfuls per hole and mix thoroughly.
- Apply 1 teaspoon per hole of DSP or DAP (this is equivalent to 200kg/ha)
- Direct planting seed rate is 800 to 1000gms per hectare
Caring for the crop
Top Dressing- Top-dress at 4 weeks after transplanting with CAN at the rate of 100kg/ha
- Four weeks later top dress again with a compound fertilizer or a recommended foliar feed.
- Maintain mulch especially for determinate varieties (It keeps the fruits clean, suppresses weeds, conserves moisture and keeps soil temperatures low)
- Weed regularly (Weeds compete for nutrients and also act as hosts for diseases and pests)
- Irrigate the crop 2 – 3 times a week during dry weather
- For tall growing indeterminate varieties
- Push a 3m long stake firmly into the ground next to each plant.
- Train the stem loosely to the stake as the plant grows
- Use suitable training material e.gbanana twine.
- Pruning is necessary for indeterminate varieties.
- Allow one or two main stems to grow per plant.
- Pinch off all other lateral shoots once a week.
- When the plant forms 6 to 8 trusses, pinch off its growing top.
- Remove leaves close to the ground to prevent entry of blight.
Pests & Nutrient disorders
Nutrient Disorders
- If the fruit has a hollow cavity and has poor taste, it might be due to potassium deficiency.
- If the crop demonstrates stunted growth, delayed maturity and reduced yields it might be due to phosphorous deficiency.
- If the crop show blossom end-rot it might be due to excess Nitrogen or Calcium deficiency.
- If the crop show blossom end-rot and small size fruits it might be due to excess Nitrogen.
Pest Diagnoses
- If there is swellings on the roots causing stunting of the plants and eventual wilting this is possibly due to Root Knot Nematodes
- If there is sign of caterpillar damage characterized by bore into fruit and consumed inner part of the fruit with plenty of excreta, this is possibly due to American Bollworms
- If you see small white moth-like flies fly from foliage when plants are disturbed. Or notice leaf distortion and stunting this is possibly due to Tobacco White Fly.
- If minute spider like animals are found on the underside of the leaves. The leaves are tarnished and turned yellowish and whitish. If infestation is severe plants show stunted growth, leaves dry up and falls off. The pest is possibly Red Spider Mites.
- If you notice plant lice that sooty mould and distorted young leaves and flowers the problem is possibly due to Aphids
Root Knot Nematodes
Symptoms- These include swellings on the roots causing stunting and yellowing of the plants and eventual wilting.
- Crop rotation.
- Plant nematode free seedlings that is with no swellings on the roots.
- Keep field free of weeds.
- Use recommended nematicides
American Bollworms
Symptoms- The caterpillar bore into fruit and feed on the inner part of the fruit releasing plenty of excreta which is noticeable on damaged fruits.
- The entry point of the caterpillar acts as entry point for bacteria and fungi.
- It attacks sweet pepper, tobacco, sorghum.
- Use recommended insecticides
Tobacco White Fly
Symptoms- Small white moth-like flies fly from foliage when plants are disturbed. The nymph sucks sap from underside of the leaves.
- They transmit virus.
- They cause leaf distortion and stunting if attack is early.
- Keep field free of weeds
- Use recommended insecticides and spray the underside of the leaves.
- Spraying should start from periphery moving towards the centre. Early morning or late in the evening.
Red Spider Mites
Symptoms- These are minute spider like animals found on the underside of the leaves feeding on the sap.
- Whitish to yellowish specks cover the leaf surface. Under severe infestation fine webs will be found covering the leaf surface, there is also stunted growth, leaves dry up and falls off.
- The problem is acute in dry areas or irrigated crops.
- Use recommended miticides.
Symptoms- These are plant lice that suck sap from leaves causing leaf distortion especially during dry spells.
- Aphids prefer young leaves, stems or flowers.
- Their secretion causes sooty mould. They transmit viral diseases.
- Spray with recommended insecticides
Leaf minor
Symptoms- A small caterpillar that burrows between the top and lower leaf lamina creating silvery tunnels on the upper leaf surface causing considerable damage to the leaves.
- Spray with recommended systemic insecticides
Disease Control
a. CausesThe disease is caused by the fungus Uromyces appendiculatus. This is a very serious disease to French Beans and other food beans. The Development of the disease is favoured by high humidity conditions.
b. Symptom
The disease is recognized by the presence of slightly raised, small white spots, on the surface of the lower leaf. The spots turn red to dark brown after a few days.
c. Control
- Crop rotation
- Use of tolerant varieties.
- Chemical sprays such as: Baycor 30% EC , Bitertanol, Anvil, Alto 100 SL, or Dithane M45 should be applied after every two weeks.
Angular Leaf Spot
a. CausesThis is a fungal disease caused by Phaeoisariopsis griseola.
b. Symptoms
Leaves, stalks, and pods have angular brown or red coloured spots with purple edges and grey to brown centres. The leaves may then fall prematurely.
c. Control
- By use of healthy, certified seeds.
- Treat Seeds using chemicals such as fernasan-D, at 3gm per kg of seed.
- Spray with chemicals such as benomyl (or benlate)
Root Rots
(Quintozene)a. Causes
These are fungal diseases caused by the fungus Rhizoctonia spp, Pythium spp Sclerotium spp etc.
b. Symptoms
Affected plants show yellowing and drying of stem at soil level. Stunting may also occur. The crop may also show poor seedling establishment, uneven growth, chlorosis and premature defoliation of severely infected plants.
c. Control
- Seed dressing with a chemical such as: Fernasan-D , at 3gm per kg of seed, or Quitozene.
- Drenching with chemicals such as: Brassicol (or Quitozene), Benomyl (or Benlate), or Bavistin, during the vegetative stage.
Bacterial Blights
a. CausesThe condition is caused by Pseudomonas Phaseolicola and Xanthomona phaseoli . It is a serious disease for beans in Kenya, especially in cool and wet areas. The disease is spread through splashing from exuding lesions and plant debris.
b. Symptoms
Plants show ring-like spots on the leaves, drying of leaf margins, yellowing and water soaked pods.
c. Control
- Use of certified seeds.
- Roguing and destruction of affected plants.
- Crop rotation.
- Chemical sprays using copper based fungicide such as: kocide 101.
a. CausesThe disease is caused by a fungus known as Colletotrichum lindemuthiamum. The fungus is seed-borne and affects all
aerial plant parts. It is spread by rain splash, wind or mechanical contact. The disease usually occurs in cool, damp weather.
b. Symptoms
The disease is characterised by appearance of sunken, brown spots with black edges on pods; angular brown sports on leaves; and oblong stripes on stems.
c. Control
- Use of certified seeds.
- Field sanitation.
- Crop rotation.
- Use of resistant varieties.
- Foliar sprays using chemicals such as: Benomyl, Mancozeb, propineb.
Bean common Mosaic Virus (BCMV)
a. CausesThe disease is seed-borne and it is transmitted by aphids.
b. Symptoms
The symptoms of this disease vary with variety, stage of growth, and environmental factors.
They includes a mosaic (i.e. mottling, Curling and stunting of leaves,) systemic Necrosis and local malformations. The leaves may roll, malform and general stunting of the pant. The plant produces excessive number of Lateral shoots.
c. Control
- Use of certified seeds.
- Plant resistant varieties
- Rouging of infected plants.
- Control of aphid vectors using insecticides.
Powderly mildew
a. CausesIt is caused by a fungus known as Erysiphe spp.
b. Symptoms
Attacks stems,leaves,flowers, and pods which appear covered with white powdrerly growth which turn black latter. In severe cases the leaves turn yellow and drop off.
c. Control
- Field hygiene
- Crop rotation
- Chemical fungicides eg. Dithane M45, Antracol, Bayleton
Downy mildew
a. causesCaused by afungus known as perenospora spp.
b. Symptoms
The underside of leaves exhibit white to greyish growth which later cover whole leaf surface.
c. Control
- Field hygiene
- Crop rotation
- Chemical fungicides eg. Dithane M45, Antracol, Bayleton
Harvesting & Post Harvesting
- Depending on the variety maturity is attained between 65 to 110 days after transplant.
- Fresh market fruits should be harvested when slightly ripe.
- Processing fruits should be harvested ripe.
- Average yields is 20 -120 tons per Ha depending on variety and management.
Post harvest handling
- Fresh market fruits should be graded according to size that is small, medium and large (…add sizes)
- Pack fruits in wooden or plastic crates and deliver to the market immediately or store at temperature range of 6 – 13 degrees C depending on the stage of ripeness.
Marketing & Value Addition
- Major fresh market outlets include supermarkets, green grocers, hotels, institutions and local markets.
- Processing varieties are sold to canning factories or done at farm level.
- Contract farming can be done for assured market
- Pricing should take care of all the production costs and a profit margin
Gross Margin
- Note that gross margin could vary depending on factors such as the variety, climatic conditions, management practices and the price among others.
Value Addition
Tomatoes can be processed into:- Paste
- Jam
- Sauce
- Puree
- Juice
- Powder
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